Monday, May 30, 2011

Just Sittin' and Waitin'

So, I thought my last blog post would be the last before baby arrived, but since we're just sitting around waiting for our little girl to get here, I thought I'd send another quick update.

Ben and I had a great mini babymoon last weekend.  We went to Brian Voltaggio's restaurant Volt in Frederick, MD last Thursday night and then stayed overnight in MD.  The food was great, and it was so relaxing to stay in a hotel for the night and sleep in on Friday.  Then on Friday, we went for my final ultrasound.  Everything looked great. "Helen" is head down and her projected weight at 37 weeks was 6 lbs 10oz.  I am so happy she is a good healthy size, but even though I don't feel huge, I think if I go all the way to my due date, she might be about 8 lbs, which would be a big baby for me!  The ultrasound could be a little off though...I think she's going to be somewhere between 7 and 8 lbs.  One thing I hope they're not wrong about is the sex!  At this last ultrasound, she was wide open again showing off her lady parts as she loves to do, so we're pretty confident she is a girl.  People on the street are always telling me I look like I'm having a boy though, and I know that doesn't mean anything but it's a little disconcerting to hear it over and over.  People on the street also have been telling me I look like I'm about to have the baby any minute now...people really are opinionated!

Anyway, to cap off our little babymoon last weekend, I got a prenatal was the best thing I've ever done!!  The woman was great and it was so relaxing, I was like mush for the rest of the day.

Then this week, I had a little false alarm on wednesday.  I really thought wednesday was going to be the day.  I had several early labor symptoms on wednesday morning but then started feeling better and got in the car to go to work.  But, then on my way to work I started having some stronger contractions than I've had before with some back pressure.  I ended up turning around and going back home instead of going to work, but once I got home and laid down, everything subsided.  I worked from home the rest of the day and woke up thursday feeling back to normal, so it was just a false alarm!  I went to my weekly dr appt thursday and she said "Helen's" head is not way down in my pelvis yet, but I am 50% effaced and was just a little bit dilated, but less than 1 cm...but at least it's a start!

This weekend we've just been relaxing and waiting.  We still have 11 days until my due date but I still think this might happen a little sooner.  We've gone to a baseball game this weekend, went to the movies twice, had some friends over, and I went to yoga...just trying to keep busy and cool! Luckily, I am not too swollen even in all this heat, but I did have to take my wedding rings off about a month ago.

So, we will continue to keep everyone updated.  I'm not going into the office anymore and will be working from home probably until she gets here.  I go to the dr again on thursday and we'll see if there's been anymore progress.  I've still been having a fair amount of contractions though...more today again kind of like on wednesday (don't jump on a plane just yet though, Mom!) who knows??  It's so weird to me that things can be completely normal one day just sitting here waiting for the baby and then without warning the next day she could be here!  What day will that be??!!  We will let you know...soon enough :-)


Tara, Ben and "Helen"

Here is a picture of me today in my sweet jorts I made from some cheap maternity jeans, ha!

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