Saturday, June 4, 2011

Week 40!

Ok, so here we are 6 days until my due date!!  Had a little more excitement this week but still no baby.  These little false starts are just making the waiting game that much harder but we are trying to be patient as we know every day she spends inside me is beneficial for her to finish her development in there before she faces the world!

But anyway, just thought I'd blog a little about the excitement this week without getting too graphc hopefully.  So I went to my weekly dr. appt on thursday and things sounded promising.  The dr. did an internal exam and this time she could clearly feel the baby's head, which was a definite change from last week.  She said I was still about 50% effaced but that last week I was still pretty closed but this week I was 1 cm dilated...more progress!  The dr. didn't give any estimate as to when this all might go down, but I left the dr's appt very excited that this all might be happening soon.

Fast forward a few hours...I'm working from home when all of a sudden I notice some bleeding.  I called my dr's office because my dr told me I might have some bleeding from the exam she did but this seemed like more than I should be having.  They agreed I should probaby go to the hospital to labor and delivery to be checked out just to see what was going on.  So I left for the hospital in a panic.  Ben left work also in a panic and met me there.  And then we waited...and waited.  We were there over four hours in total just to find out that it probably all was from the exam I had earlier in the day.  BUT, they said it also could be a sign that labor was starting since they had me on the monitor the whole time I was there and I was having pretty regular contractions, although still pretty mild.  They also did another exam and said I was now 70% effaced and still 1 cm and that they baby's head is low, although they didn't say how low.  Also, they were monitoring the baby's heartrate and movement the whole time and said we had the best baby they had seen in a long time as far as heartrate and movement go...our baby rocks!!!  In any event, they let me go home but pretty much every nurse and dr we saw made some kind of reference to the fact that I would probably be back there soon for the real thing...maybe even later that night or the next day.  Well that night and the next day have passed and still no real labor. 

My contractions continue but haven't gotten any stronger really.  So maybe it will be soon but we're trying to be patient and trying to keep busy.  My mom flew down to DC yesterday, she couldn't stay away any longer and wanted to be closer so she's ready when this all does happen.  I see the dr. again on thursday assuming I'm still pregnant then, and she will probably give me an induction date at that point.  Let's hope this happens naturally before it gets to that!  Off to prenatal yoga now...maybe that will do it!


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